martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) surgery in India being treated at best hos...

Astrocytoma Treatment


For low grade astrocytomas, removal of the tumor will generally allow functional survival for many years. In some reports, the five-year survival has been over 90% with well resected tumors. Indeed, broad intervention of low grade conditions is a contested matter. In particular, pilocytic astrocytomas are commonly indolent bodies that may permit normal neurologic function. However, left unattended these tumors may eventually undergo neoplastic transformation. To date, complete resection of high grade astrocytomas is impossible because of the diffuse infiltration of tumor cells into normal parenchyma. Thus, high grade astrocytomas inevitably recur after initial surgery or therapy, and are usually treated similarly as the initial tumor. Despite decades of therapeutic research, curative intervention is still nonexistent for high grade astrocytomas; patient care ultimately focuses on palliative management.
In the patient guide Dr.John W. Henson, M.D., MGH Brain Tumor Center, Harvard Medical School wrote : Because grade 3 and 4 tumors have a tendency to grow rapidly, treatment must be started as soon after surgery as is feasible, allowing time for the surgical incision to heal. Generally, this means that patients should be undergoing either radiation therapy or chemotherapy within 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. ...
While therapies for high-grade gliomas are helpful, at present these treatments cannot cure these tumors. The two major reasons for this are that tumor cells infiltrate into surrounding brain and thus cannot be completely removed by the surgeon, and that most glioma cells are at least partially resistant to radiation and chemotherapy.The goals of treatment are to:
  • remove as many tumor cells as possible (with surgery)
  • kill as many as possible of the cells left behind (with radiation and chemotherapy)
  • put remaining tumor cells into a nondividing, sleeping state for as long as possible (with radiation and chemotherapy)
High-grade glioma cells almost always start to grow again at some point in time. Patients receive aggressive treatment in order to delay this regrowth as long as possible. Regrowth does not necessarily imply loss of control of the tumor, but it does mean that a new series of treatments should be considered because the tumor is becoming more aggressive.

Glioblastoma initial diagnosis


A Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan is necessary to characterize the extent of these tumors (size, location, consistency). CT will usually show distortion of third and lateral ventricles with displacement of anterior and middle cerebral arteries. Histologic analysis is necessary for grading diagnosis.
In the first stage of diagnosis the doctor will take a history of symptoms and perform a basic neurological exam, including an eye exam and tests of vision, balance, coordination and mental status. The doctor will then require a computerized tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the patient's brain. During a CT scan, x rays of the patient's brain are taken from many different directions. These are then combined by a computer, producing a cross-sectional image of the brain. For an MRI, the patient relaxes in a tunnel-like instrument while the brain is subjected to changes of magnetic field. An image is produced based on the behavior of the brain's water molecules in response to the magnetic fields. A special dye may be injected into a vein before these scans to provide contrast and make tumors easier to identify.
If a tumor is found, it will be necessary for a neurosurgeon to perform a biopsy on it. This simply involves the removal of a small amount of tumor tissue, which is then sent to a neuropathologist for examination and staging. The biopsy may take place before surgical removal of the tumor or the sample may be taken during surgery. Staging of the tumor sample is a method of classification that helps the doctor to determine the severity of the astrocytoma and to decide on the best treatment options. The neuropathologist stages the tumor by looking for atypical cells, the growth of new blood vessels, and for indicators of cell division called mitotic figures.

 computer axial tomography

Magnetic resonance device